Soooooooo cute I could just eat her! Look at those little feet! Something I forgot to mention earlier, we had Landon this weekend as well. Big thanks to Jon and Jen for letting Landon have a sleepover. Landon got to meet his baby sister on the day she was born! He's such a good boy, he spent a large part of Sunday in the hospital spending time with Tiffany and Samantha. I think I have the cuttest picture in the world saved on my cell phone now of Landon giving baby Samantha a kiss on her head. Just melts your heart.
Anywho, I should get some sleep. We have finally settled down in our townhouse, and have the computer all set up so we have no excuses for not posting more regularly.
Oh, very last note. April 28th 2007 was a very popular day. Not only was Samantha born but Marc and Brooke also had their son born on the same day! Congrads guys! Tiffany wants everyone to know that we had our baby first though! :P hehe. In addition to this, Matty boy Harris got married on the very same day! Holy popular day batman! Congrads Matt!
Gotta run,